We're in the home stretch... this is our last newsletter of the year!
Yearbooks were distributed last week.
One book was missing 4th & 5th grade portrait pages. Please check your books and immediately email yearbook@teravistapta.com if you are missing pages so we may issue a replacement.

Did you know we have a digital extension to our yearbook with Yearbook+?
Watch the video below to learn how to access Yearbook+
We have less than 10 books left for purchase! Join our waitlist now for your chance to receive a book before the end of the year. You will be contacted with a Square invoice if a book is available for your child.
If you have any issues or questions when ordering, contact yearbook@teravistapta.com

Do you want to serve on the 2024-2025 Teravista PTA Board?
We still have a few open positions!
The available positions include Reflections Chair, Site Based Representative, Council Representative and Clothes Closet Chair. If you're interested, please reach out to president@teravistapta.com to learn more!
Lost & Found will be emptied at the end of the school year
When you come by to attend those end-of-year celebrations, please stop by the Lost & Found to check for any items that may belong to your family! All items remaining after the last day of school will be donated to the RRISD Clothes Closet to help families in need.