Our Mission
To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
How We Help Our School's Community
Teravista Elementary’s PTA supports critical academic needs, provides an active voice on decisions that impact your
child’s health, safety and quality of education, and builds a stronger, more inclusive school community.
Educational Programs & Tools

Our PTA makes it possible for our students to have access to computer programs like Brain Pop and Discovery Education. We also help provide books, dictionaries, board games and chess sets, ear buds for Chromebooks, and sight word and letter flashcards.

Reflections has been a staple arts program in many schools for 50 years. Through the effort of our PTA, Teravista Elementary students have been given the opportunity to participate in a national program dedicated to creative outlets such as dance, literature, music, and visual arts.
More info to come on this year's contest
Clothes Closet

The Clothes Closet is a service project organized and sponsored by the Round Rock ISD Council of PTAs. This service provides gently used clothing as well as NEW socks and NEW underwear to Round Rock ISD students in need.
Teacher & Staff Appreciation

Every month, our PTA shows appreciation for our staff and teachers by giving them a special treat. We've provided things like breakfasts and lunches, chocolate fountains, and even hand sanitizer! We also help organize the posters and theme days for Teacher Appreciation Week in the spring. We always want our teachers to know how much we appreciate everything they do.

Our PTA organizes the Teravista yearbook every year. We have a representative for each grade level on the yearbook committee. This committee pulls together all the fun pictures taken during family events and class outings. We also help with distribution of the final product at the end of the year.
School Community Events

The PTA is always trying to find new ways to bring our entire community together. We have hosted events like the Family Dance and the Talent Show.
Have an idea for a great community event? Contact us to share your idea!

We organize many opportunities for volunteering at our school. We spend time helping in the library shelving books or working the Book Fair. We help with the Lighthouse Festival by donating time, supplies or prizes. We work shifts at the Clothes Closet and so much more!
Library Support

In addition to helping shelve library books, we also play a big role in organizing volunteers for the bi-annual Book Fair.
Our Fundraising Efforts
In order to help our school’s community, we encourage everyone to participate in our annual fundraisers. Find out all the ways you can help us fund our programs.
The Lighthouse Festival
This is our biggest fundraiser of the year! As you may know, our school has been designated as a “Franklin Covey Lighthouse School” and we love to celebrate this achievement with a festival for the whole school and the greater Teravista community. Proceeds from this event directly benefit Teravista Elementary School students and are used to pay for activities and academic enrichment for all students. These funds are used to extend and enhance the school budget, which enables us to make TvE a better place for our staff and students. We offer multiple levels of sponsorship for this event for our local businesses.
Box Tops for Education

Just download the app and scan those receipts. It's an easy way to contribute just by buying products you already use.
Spirit Nights

Keep an eye out for these special nights. Take a night off from cooking and help us at the same time!
Our Parent Organizations
The Teravista Elementary PTA is not the only organization working towards the betterment of your child’s future.
RRISD Council of PTAs

Council of PTAs is a volunteer-run support organization for our 53 school PTAs in Round Rock ISD, and we run district-wide programs including Clothes Closet, district Reflections voting and awards, and family programs. We support local leaders.
Texas PTA

PTA is focused on making every child's potential a reality by strengthening education and taking a comprehensive approach to community success. And we know there is no commYOUnity without YOU – our members, our business leaders, our decision-makers.
National PTA

Today’s PTA is comprised of more than 4 million parents, teachers, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents and other caring adults who share a commitment to improving the education, health, and safety of all children. We speak with one voice for every child.